Contact MarulaLab

  • For businesses

    If you have any business-related inquiries,

    you can contact us either by clicking on the green button in the right corner of the page, or by sending an email to

    Additionally, you can call our office during business hours on +972 779 906 990

  • For customers

    If you want to get in touch with one of our experts, please click on the green button in the right corner of the page.

    We can usually respond within 15 minutes during our working hours.

    Alternatively, if you'd rather have us call you back at a convenient time, let us know and we'll be happy to do so.

  • For partners

    If you would like to become our partner, please send us your application via the button below.

    If you're having trouble using the application form, or have any other questions - please send us an email via

    Othervise, we'll get in touch with you shortly after submitting the application form.

    Send application